If you don't get it, watch Huf's FTC Penal Code Part!
Keith Hufnagel defined the word, his reputation extending far beyond our skateboarding bubble, a man so iconic that his name, in just three letters, H-U-F, has come to represent a worldwide brand.
Hailing from New York City, HUF burst onto the 1990s San Francisco skate scene with otherworldly power and pop, reaching the height of his profession, while simultaneously orchestrating his next landmark, launching his own mold-breaking, brick and mortar stores in The City. Lightyears ahead of the curve, his vision and curation of those shops would transform HUF from nickname to international trademark. We didn't just want to skate like HUF, we wanted to look like HUF - to be HUF.
Each of us leaves our own little mark, but Keith, you left a whole damn, still echoing canyon. Don't see how we'll ever fill that void, don't know if we want to. Love you forever. –Tony Vitello @ Thrasher
All profits from this pin will be donated to Phase One Foundation in Keith Hufnagel's name for cancer research.
View more on the foundation: Phase One Founation
To view other HUF pins, click here.
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